2point4ward – Where CRM and Content Collide

Two of the hottest and most in-demand facets in business under one roof.


Subject matter experts, Jesse Dickert and Jared Petrie, noticed early on in their careers a gap in the innovation and creative services space were overpriced and underdelivered projects were a daily occurrence. Possessing the knowledge and skills to disrupt this expensively tolerated practice, Jesse and Jared combined their efforts to offer affordable and creative business growth solutions.

Almost two decades’ worth of trials and victories supporting large and small businesses in both B2B and B2C industries has built a solid foundation of invaluable market growth information. A foundation that allows us to craft non-traditional business models that slices right through the ever-increasing market noise to reach your audience. Our agility, consistency, and growth hacking techniques ensure ROI and a positive experience. 


Jesse Dickert

Co-Founder, President

 Jesse wears many hats at 2point4ward. Not only is he a founding member, but also the owner, lead principal and lead innovation consultant. Being an accomplished professional in developing innovative strategies and campaigns, one can typically find Jesse working along side our clients helping architect the next expectation breaking, go-to-market game plan. When not strategizing though, he finds time for yet another passion - CRM! Utilizing customer relationship management programs such as Salesforce and HubSpot, Jesse likes to push these platforms in unique ways to help clients gain further control over their leads and sales channels.

With over 15 years of innovation experience and 10 of those including business management, Jesse is truly a diamond in the rough. The cornerstone of Jesse's success has been the elemental understanding of client's needs and his ability to render those needs into first-rate results. Finally, having the insight to combine CRM solutions with complete brand and marketing capabilities has truly distinguished Jesse and 2point4ward as a disruptive force in the market. 


Jared Petrie

Co-Founder, President
Creative Services

 Jared has been building relationships, establishing brands, and saving his clients both headaches and money for over 12 years. Jared graduated from Lakeland College with a degree in graphic design, fine arts, and communications. Working with clients and creative teams from around the world in both B2B and B2C settings, Jared has developed a unique and flexible system for helping his clients achieve their marketing and lead generating goals.

As a founding member and President, Creative Services for 2point4ward, Jared understands the clandestine values of fusing best business practices with unique brand strategies in order to generate both buzz in the market and ROI. This characteristic, along with many others, places Jared in a class of his own.

